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Mobility is Driving a Change in Desktop and Application Delivery Trends


The desktop and application delivery market has experienced tremendous change over the past several years, affecting organizations’ mobility strategies. A wide range of new solutions, devices, and service-based delivery models have proliferated and evolved. This “consumerization of IT” has resulted in a plethora of alternative endpoint devices flooding the corporate landscape. Today’s knowledge worker no longer consumes information solely on a single company-issued device, but rather on a combination of laptops, smartphones, tablets, and thin clients.

桌面和应用交付市场体验了巨大变动在过去几年,影响组织’流动性战略。 大范围新的解答,设备和基于服务的交付模型激增了并且演变了。 这“consumerization它”导致充斥公司风景的多血症供选择的终点设备。 今天知识劳动者单一地不再消耗信息在一个唯一公司发的设备,但宁可在膝上计算机、smartphones、片剂和小型客户端的组合。

Given that, organizations are increasingly embracing a variety of alternative desktop and application delivery models, which often use a combination of software-as-a-service (SaaS), Web-based, and mobile applications for their flexibility, convenience, and ability to scale on demand.


Lying at the heart of these alternative desktop and application delivery models is something that can be characterized as a business goal as much as it is an IT headache—namely, the need to meet end-user demand for convenient and reliable access to applications and IT services from any location via any number of devices. 


Previously conducted ESG research found that end-user demand for alternative devices was cited by 44% of respondents as a factor responsible for the changing profile of endpoint device usage among those organizations surveyed. 



While these alternative delivery models are more user-centric, they are also more challenging for IT to manage and keep secure. How? Traditional, manual methods used for supporting, managing, and securing these alternative endpoints on a device-by-device basis—along with numerous and disparate operating systems—are rapidly exhausting IT resources and rendering tactical IT approaches untenable. Without automated processes to monitor, manage, assess, and remediate prospective threats and suspicious or malicious behavior on the network, the enterprise is left virtually unprotected.

当这些供选择的交付模型是更加用户中心时,他们也是富挑战性为了它能处理和保持安全。 怎么? 为支持,处理和获取这些供选择的终点使用的传统,手工方法在一个设备由设备依据沿以许多和不同经营系统迅速地用尽它资源,并且使作战它接近难防守。 不用自动化的过程对显示器,处理,估计,并且remediate预期威胁和可疑或恶意行为在网络,企业留给实际上无保护。

In tactical-focused, hybrid delivery environments, (where a hybrid delivery environment is defined as a combination of traditional, private, and public cloud environments), policies and settings across endpoints and application delivery models fail to propagate. In this scenario, disparate applications and systems live in their own silos, and don’t “talk” to one another. Not only does this create a significant gap in network security, but it also creates a significant gap between business objectives and IT objectives. 

在作战聚焦,杂种交付环境, (一个杂种交付环境被定义作为传统,私有和公开云彩环境的组合)的地方,政策和设置横跨终点和应用交付模型不繁殖。 在这个情景,不同的应用和系统在他们自己的筒仓居住,和“与互相不谈话”。 这不仅创造一个重大空白在网络安全,但它也创造商业目的和它之间的一个重大空白宗旨。

While alternative delivery models may allow IT to plug holes and address short-term tactical requirements, a long-term, strategic solution for managing applications and IT services, and how they are delivered to end-users, suffers in the long run. 


1Source: ESG Research Report, Mobile Device and Application Usage Trends, August 2013.

1Source : ESG研究报告、移动设备和应用用法趋向, 2013年8月。

The Transition from a Locked-down Environment to a User-centric Environment


With the transition from a “locked-down” corporate end-user environment (information is delivered from the data center to the endpoint), to a user-centric common access and identity model (applications are user-driven and installed on demand), IT professionals are confronted with multiple challenges. They include:

与转折从“锁着的下来”公司终端用户环境(信息从数据中心被提供到终点),与一个用户中心共同的通入和身分模型(应用是user-driven和安装在要求时),它专家与多个挑战面对。 他们包括:

Meeting end-user expectations.


Improving business processes.


Meeting mobility initiative requirements.


To reduce IT complexity while catering to the tractability of a flexible, self-service approach demanded by end-users, the industry requires a unified approach that aggregates delivery models, centralizes management and security, and supports a wide variety of endpoint devices. ESG defines this unified approach as Workplace Delivery Platform. 

要减少它复杂,当迎合温顺灵活,终端用户要求的自助方法,产业要求聚集交付模型,集中管理和安全的一种统一的方法时,和支持各种各样的终点设备。 ESG定义了这种统一的方法成工作场所交付平台。

Though current delivery models fall short of this business demand, a growing number of vendors have stated their intentions to innovate workplace delivery platforms that focus on the management and support of various delivery models and devices.


This report addresses:


The market status of workplace delivery today, and related issues challenging IT.  


The workplace delivery platform, what it is, and how it addresses the IT security conundrum of securing corporate access while improving the end-user experience.


The current, planned, and future market vision and transition strategies.
