The Decision Analytics Reference Model
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Most of us are comfortable with making decisions. This is good because each of us makes an incalculable number of decisions every day. The most interesting and complex decisions that we make are voluntary decisions where we are able to apply discretion in why, how, and what decisions are made. However, it would be a mistake to ignore the fact that we also make an immense number of involuntary decisions every day. These range from decisions largely beyond our control like the electrical signals that are evaluated by our CNS and cause our heart to beat to reflexive behavior (remove your hand from a hot stove) and ultimately learned behavior (don’t touch a hot stove). The common pattern that unites all of these behaviors is stimulus-response (S-R) theory. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the S-R model. In this S-R model, the sense activity recognizes a change in the environment. This change is a trigger, event, or simple change of state. The act activity is an action taken in response to a particular sensation.

大多数我们是舒适的以做出决定。 这是好,因为每一我们牌子决定的一个不可计算的数字每天。 我们做出的最有趣和最复杂的决定是义务决定,我们能申请谨慎在为什么,怎么,并且什么决定做出。 然而,它是忽略事实的差错我们每天也做一个巨大数字不随意的决定。 这些从决定主要范围在之外我们的控制象由我们的CNS评估的电信号并且造成我们的心脏摔打到反射行为(从一个热炉去除您的手)和最后博学的行为(不要接触一个热炉)。 团结所有这些行为的共同的样式是刺激反应(S-R)理论。 图1显示S-R模型的概要。 在这个S-R模型,感觉活动认可在环境上的一个变化。 这变动是触发器、事件或者简单的状态更改。 行动活动是行动采取以回应一种特殊感觉。

Figure 1. Stimulus-response Model
Figure 1. Stimulus-response Model

While S-R theory is conceptually simple, it does raise a question about what happens when a choice can be made regarding what action to take. Early thinking on the topic of event-driven architecture mimicked S-R processing by having events directly associated with actions. While this approach is extremely efficient, it is also brittle, which limits its utility in today’s IT environment where applications must be engineered for change and therefore loosely coupled. Without the ability to support a level of indirection between sense and act, there is no way to easily accommodate change. By introducing a decision node between sensing and acting, we now have clear separation of concerns and the flexibility to link any sensory event with any action, as shown in Figure 2. This enables us to refer to this modified S-R model as a decision model.

当S-R理论是概念上简单的时,它提出关于发生了什么的一个问题,当选择可以关于时采取的什么行动做出。 及早认为在事件驱动的建筑学题目仿造了处理由有的S-R事件直接地与行动相关。 当这种方法是极端高效率的时,它也是易碎的,在今天限制它的公共事业它环境必须为变动设计应用并且松散接合的地方。 没有能力支持间接标准在感觉和行动之间,没有办法容易地容纳变动。 通过介绍一个决定结在感觉之间和行动,我们现在有关心的清晰分离和灵活性与任何行动连接所有知觉事件,如图2所显示。 这使我们提到这个修改过的S-R模型作为决策模型。

Figure 2. Decision Model
Figure 2. Decision Model

By introducing a decision node, we allow for different types of decisions. This more robust model can also emulate an S-R model simply by either always choosing the same action or defaulting the decision (such as the “else” clause in an “if-then-else” expression). However, the value of this decision model is that it recognizes that:

通过介绍决定结,我们考虑到决定的不同的类型。 这个更加健壮的模型可能简单地也看齐S-R模型默认情况下总选择同一次行动或决定(例如“”条目在“如果然后-”表示)。 然而,这个决策模型的价值是它认可那:

There is a decoupling between sensing and acting, and actions are governed by decisions.


The existence of competing alternative actions to a particular set of stimuli mean that a decision process is needed.


A decision process must take into account that available stimuli may not be sufficient or specific enough to clarify what action to take.


Decision outcomes, actions, and impact may be useful in influencing future decisions.


The ability to align specific stimuli with a particular action through a decision provides flexibility and consistency.


The act of decisioning is complex and many techniques can assist in the decision making process.


Despite the importance of decisions, we live in an action- and process-centric world. Decisions determine the potential utility to be gained, but actions are what drive kinetic utility or recognized utility. Actions (or behavior) are what define and differentiate an enterprise. Because actions can be directly tied to utility, it is easy to dismiss the importance of the decisioning. However, no action should ever be taken unless preceded by a decision. Decisioning is where context, alternatives, potential utility, objectives, constraints, and trade-offs are evaluated and a next-based action is determined. Therefore, support for comprehensive decisioning is critical because the decision is where the choice is made between competing actions. This choice can have lasting impact especially if it is strategic and this also means that decisions can have significant consequences, both positive and negative. Consequently, organizations will want to always make the best possible decisions that they can in order to maximize benefit and minimize risk over some time horizon.

尽管决定的重要性,我们在一个行动和过程中心世界居住。 决定确定将被获取的潜在的公共事业,但行动是什么推进运动公共事业或被认可的公共事业。 行动(或行为)是什么定义了并且区分企业。 由于行动可以直接地被栓到公共事业,驳回decisioning的重要性是容易的。 然而,不应该采取行动,除非由决定在之前。 Decisioning是上下文、选择、潜在的公共事业、宗旨、限制和交易被评估的地方,并且一次基于下的行动是坚定的。 所以,支持为全面decisioning是重要的,因为决定是选择做出在竞争的行动之间的地方。 这个选择可能有持久的冲击,特别是如果它也是战略和这手段决定可能有重大后果,正面和阴性。 结果,组织将想要总做出他们可以为了最大化好处和使风险减到最小在某个时候天际的最好决定。

Some decisions are simple and some are complex. Complex strategic decisions are often wide in scope, high in risk, few in number, and difficult to automate, and leverage inputs from many sources. Simple tactical decisions are typically the opposite; limited in scope, require few inputs, are low in risk, are large in number, and easy to automate. As decisions increase in complexity, so too does the need for analytics to support the decision making process. The point is that the decision model can be extended to include an analysis activity where the heavy lifting of evaluating alternatives is performed prior to decisioning. Figure 3 presents this as a decision analytics model.

有些决定是简单的,并且一些是复杂的。 复合体战略决策经常是宽的在范围,高在风险,数量小和难自动化和杠杆作用输入从许多来源。 简单的战术决策典型地是对面; 限制在范围,要求少量输入,是低的在风险,数量上是大和容易自动化。 当决定在复杂增加,那么太做需要对于analytics支持决定制造过程。 点是决策模型可以被扩大包括分析活动,重举评估的选择在decisioning之前进行。 图3提出此作为决定analytics模型。

Figure 3. Decision Analytics Model
Figure 3.  Decision Analytics Model

Separating analyze from decide has distinct advantages. The primary advantage is a separation of concerns. The analyze activity is focused on understanding, quantifying, and normalizing alternatives so that a rational and informed decision can be made. It should be noted that this decision analytics model does not state any requirements regarding latency. While S-R models typically have a distinct real-time orientation, this is not the case for all decision and decision analytics models. Not all decisions that require analysis can or need to be pursued in real time. There is, however, a growing emphasis on and trend toward real-time decision analytics, so adoption of application architectures that support real-time decision analytics is appropriate although not all decisions will need to be made in real time.

分离分析从决定有分明好处。 主要好处是关心的分离。 分析活动集中于了解,定量和正常化选择,以便合理和消息灵通的决定可以做出。 值得注意的是,这个决定analytics模型不陈述任何要求关于潜在因素。 当S-R模型典型地有一个分明实时取向时,这不是盒为所有决定和决定analytics模型。 不是要求分析的所有的决定在真正的时间能或需要被追求。 有,然而,增长的重点和趋向往实时决定analytics,如此的应用建筑学采用支持实时决定analytics是适当的,虽然不是所有的决定将需要在真正的时间内做出。

When we evaluate the decision analytics model in Figure 3, it is apparent that we can improve on this model in several ways. The sense activity can be improved if we explicitly specify that a discovery activity’s whole role is to consider the relevance of new and different types of events and triggers that will have an impact on decisioning. The analyze activity also benefits from an enrichment activity that improves the understanding of context, alternatives, and additional information related to decisioning. The decide activity also benefits from an understanding of policy expressed by objectives and constraints that govern decisioning. Figure 4 improves upon the decision analytics model by adding discover, enrich, and set goals activities, which move the model toward a true reference model for decision analytics.

当我们在表3时评估决定analytics模型,它是明显的我们在这个模型可以改善用几个方式。 可以改进感觉活动,如果我们明确地指定发现活动的整体角色是考虑事件和触发器的新和不同的类型相关性将有对decisioning的冲击。 分析活动也受益于改进对上下文、选择和其它信息的理解与decisioning有关的充实活动。 决定活动也受益于治理decisioning的宗旨和限制表达的对政策的理解。 图4改善在决定analytics模型经过增加发现,丰富,并且设置了目标活动,移动模型朝一个真实的参考模型为决定analytics。

Figure 4. Toward a Decision Analytics Reference Model
Figure 4.  Toward a Decision Analytics Reference Model

The discover, enrich, and set goals activities are classified in Figure 4 as “pre-decision” activities. Pre-decision activities improve the sense and analyze activities by enabling a more comprehensive analysis of events, information, and factors that will influence the decision. These pre-decision activities also improve the decide activity by defining policy-oriented objectives and constraints apriori. Objectives are goals intended to shape decisions so that an organization has targets that it aspires to achieve. Constraints are goals intended to shape decisions so that an organization operates within limits that will minimize its risk exposure legally, financially, or ethically.

发现,丰富,并且集合目标活动在表4被分类作为“前决定”活动。 前决定活动改进感觉并且通过使能将影响决定对事件、信息和因素的一个全面分析分析活动。 这些前决定活动经过定义针对政策的宗旨和限制apriori也改进决定活动。 宗旨是意欲的目标塑造决定,以便组织有它向往达到的目标。 限制是意欲的目标塑造决定,以便使它的风险曝光减到最小法律上,财政或者道德地的组织适当地经营。

These pre-decision activities are a first step in bringing a lifecycle to decision analytics. Pre-decision activities have strong bi-directional relationships with analytic decisioning because of their focus on decision improvement and the support they can provide prior to decisioning. Also, consequently, a separate set of post-decision activities complete the feedback loop. Figure 5 introduces these post-decision activities.

这些前决定活动是第一步在带来生命周期给决定analytics。 他们可以在decisioning之前提供的前决定活动在决定改善和支持牢固的双向与分析decisioning有合作关系由于他们的焦点。 并且,因而,分开的套岗位决定活动完成反馈环路。 图5介绍这些岗位决定活动。

Figure 5. Decision Analytics Reference Model
Figure 5.  Decision Analytics Reference Model

The post-decision activities in Figure 5 consist of evaluate, learn, and adjust activities. The intent of the evaluate activity is to assess the utility generated by an act activity and compare it with the desired utility as defined by the set goals activity. The learn activity is the capability to remember the output of the evaluate activity. The evaluate activity also factors what has been learned into its assessments so that the utility of the current action can also be compared with past actions. The role of the adjust activity is to consider the goals, decisions, actions, and what has been learned to improve performance by changing the triggers, events, analysis, and decisions. The adjust activity is where the loop is closed as in a closed loop system. The adjust activity is also one of the most complex activities that exists in this system. This is because changing policy and decisions changes actions, which will have a different impact than that to which the organization is accustomed. Changes to policy that correct errors are expected to increase utility. However, changes to policy in search of added revenue are more challenging and must be evaluated more carefully to ensure that the return outweighs the risk. Economic models are very effective at evaluating risk and return and can be incorporated in either the adjust or analyze activities. A summary of pre- and post-decision activities is as follows:

岗位决定活动在表5包括评估,学会,并且调整活动。 评估活动的意向是估计行动活动引起的公共事业和它与期望公共事业比较如是由集合目标活动定义的。 学习活动是要记住评估活动的产品的有能力。 评估活动也析因什么学会了入它的评估,以便当前行动的公共事业可能也与过去行动比较。 调整活动的角色是考虑目标,决定,行动,并且什么是通过改变触发器、事件、分析和决定学会的改进表现。 调整活动是圈在一个闭环系统的地方被关闭和。 调整活动也是存在于这个系统的其中一最复杂的活动。 这是,因为改变政策和决定变动行动,比那将有不同的冲击组织是习惯的。 变成政策正确错误预计增加公共事业。 然而,对政策的变动寻找增加的收支更加富挑战性,并且必须更加仔细地评估保证回归胜过风险。 经济模式是非常有效的在评估的风险并且退回并且可以被合并在调整或分析活动。 总结前和 岗位决定活动是如下:

Discovery is the identification of events, objects, situations, and relationships that will have a bearing on decisioning.


Enriching is the process of incorporating content surfaced in the discovery process into the decision making process.


Setting goals is the specification of objectives to guide the decision making process.


Evaluation is the process of assessing the impact of the action taken.


Learning is the act of acquiring knowledge specific to decisions made and actions taken.


Adjusting is the act of applying knowledge gained from the learning process to improve the decision process.


It is important to note that while we have identified pre-decision and post-decision activities, we have not made any claims regarding temporal requirements for decision analytics. We do, however, expect a wide variety of use cases depending upon the analytical techniques employed that range from offline to real-time decision analytics.

注意到,当我们辨认了前决定和岗位决定活动时是重要的,我们未提出任何要求关于决定analytics的世俗要求。 我们,然而,期待各种各样的用途案件取决于分析技术被使用范围从离线到实时决定analytics。

Figure 5 is labeled as the decision analytics reference model. The reason for this is that this model captures the key activities and relationships that should exist within any organization that intends to address analytic decisioning both comprehensively and effectively. This decision analytics reference model primarily focuses on decisioning and how leveraging analytics to do both support and improve decisioning. The decision analytics reference model also means that consideration has to be given to application architecture. If there is an assumption that some decision analytics activities must be supported in real time, then events, messaging, state, push, and mobility must be factored into system design.

图5被标记作为决定analytics参考模型。 此的原因是这个模型夺取应该在所有组织之内存在意欲演讲分析全面和有效decisioning的关键活动和关系。 这个决定analytics参考模型主要集中于decisioning和怎么支持analytics做支持和改进decisioning。 决定analytics参考模型也意味着考虑必须被给予应用建筑学。 如果有假定在真正的时间必须支持一些决定analytics活动,则必须析因事件、传讯、状态、推挤和流动性入系统设计。

Real-time Decisioning and the Internet of Things


Real-time decisioning is an important area of investment for many enterprises. Infrastructure is now being put in place to capture data streams in real time, analyze this data, and make decisions in real time. Examples of real-time systems are everywhere. Simple real-time systems are S-R systems such as a home alarm system. More sophisticated decision analytics systems are event-based and perform some analysis before making a decision as to what action to take. An example of this would be the grocery store checkout, which generates coupons based on your purchases and frequency of visits. Even more complex decision analytics systems use feedback to adjust actions in real time. An example of this would be an automotive accident avoidance system, which monitors your distance and closing speed to an object and then applies the brakes progressively to prevent an accident. All of these real-time examples involve a subset of capabilities resident in our decision analytics reference model.

实时decisioning是投资一个重要区域为许多企业。 基础设施在真正的时间在真正的时间现在放在适当的位置夺取数据流,分析这数据和做出决定。 实时系统的例子到处。 简单的实时系统是S-R系统例如一个家庭报警系统。 更加老练的决定analytics系统事件根据并且在做出决定之前执行一些分析至于采取的什么行动。 此的例子是杂货店结算离开,引起根据参观您的购买和频率的优惠券。 更加复杂决定analytics系统在真正的时间使用反馈调整行动。 此的例子是汽车事故退避系统,监测您的距离和closing速度对对象进步地然后应用闸防止事故。 所有这些实时例子在我们的决定analytics参考模型介入能力的一个子集常驻。

The Internet of things (IoT) is going to be very effective at connecting people and “things,” whereby a thing is an electro-mechanical device that could range from a simple sensor to an intelligent micro-processor enabled device. The utility of the IoT will be derived from its support for all person/system interactions patterns. The most interesting of these patterns will include system to person and system to system. The system to person interaction pattern will present a person with opportunities or concerns that warrant her attention. The system to system interaction pattern will need to unfold in an as-of-yet undefined way but will likely involve gateways for gathering and consolidating domain-specific information and new communication architectures, some of which will mimic high-level architecture (HLA) that was developed by the Department of Defense.

互联网事(IoT)是非常有效的在连接的人民和“事”,藉以事是可能从一个简单的传感器范围到一个聪明的微处理器使能设备的一个机电装置。 IoT的公共事业从它的支持将获得为所有人或系统互作用样式。 最有趣这些样式将包括系统对人和系统对系统。 担保她的注意的系统对人互作用样式将提出一个人以机会或关心。 系统对系统互作用样式在将需要展开和未定义方式,但可能介入门户为会集和巩固专门领域信息和新的通信建筑学,一些,其中将仿造由国防部开发的高级建筑学(HLA)。

The decision analytics reference model is important because it not only identifies the significant role of analytics in decisioning, but also provides the necessary context for describing the decision analytics continuum.


The Decision Analytics Continuum


The decision analytics continuum was born out of a need to help organizations understand the various analytic techniques that they can employ to support or improve decisioning. The principles of the decision analytics reference model are to provide a generalized decision making model that also emphasizes the importance of decision improvement. This ensures continued relevance of the decision model given a changing environment and creates opportunity for vendors that deliver these capabilities and enterprises that leverage these capabilities effectively. Opportunity in this context is defined as:

决定analytics连续流出生出于需要帮助组织了解他们可以使用支持或改进decisioning的各种各样的分析技术。 决定analytics参考模型的原则是提供做也强调决定改善的重要性的模型的一个广义决定。 这保证指定的决策模型的持续的相关性变化的环境并且创造机会为提供这些能力和企业有效地支持这些能力的供营商。 机会在这上下文被定义如下:

Greater precision in responding to needs.


Faster understanding of changing conditions, which encourages innovation.


Improved operational efficiency due to more comprehensive understanding and rendering of organizational activities.


Better decision making.


Improved time to decision/action.


Now that we have established the importance of decisioning and the framework for decision improvement, we can explore differing analytic techniques to support decisioning. When we examine what analytic techniques support decisioning, it is useful to select criteria that will allow us to categorize these analytic capabilities. Four criteria have significant relevance in this task and include the following:

即然我们建立了decisioning的重要性和框架为决定改善,我们可以探索不同的分析技术支持decisioning。 当我们审查时什么分析技术支持decisioning,选择将允许我们分类这些分析能力的标准是有用的。 四个标准有重大相关性在这项任务并且包括以下:

1. Decision Scope. Decision scope refers to how focused the decision is as measured by the cardinality of its alternatives or intended audience. Course-grained decisions are ones that have few choices and apply to only a few market segments (large groups). Fine-grained decisions can have many possible choices and apply to many market segments (such as markets of one).

1. 决定范围。 决定范围提到怎么聚焦决定是如由它的选择或意欲的观众的基数测量。 路线成颗粒状的决定是有少量选择并且适用于仅几个市场部门的一个(大小组)。 细颗粒的决定可能有许多可能的选择和适用于许多市场部门(例如市场一个)。

2. Decision Execution. Decision execution refers to how much is known about the decision outcome. Deterministic decisions are ones where a particular set of stimuli always lead to the same decision. Non-deterministic decision outcomes vary based on accumulated knowledge at the time of the decision.

2. 决定施行。 决定施行提到多少被知道关于决定结果。 确定决定是一个特殊套刺激总导致同一个决定的地方。 非判定性的决定结果变化基于积累知识在决定之时。

3. Decision Uncertainty. Uncertainty is a cornerstone of modern statistics. Analytical techniques enable us to evaluate past and present decisions as well as gain insight into how actions may influence future decisions. Since the future is not certain, understanding and quantifying the likelihood of a future event is useful to support future decision making. Collaborative decisioning, Bayesian statistics, and adaptive systems all should or do factor uncertainty into their decision making activities.

3. 决定不确定性。 不确定性是现代统计基石。 分析技术使我们评估过去和现在决定并且获取洞察入怎样行动也许影响未来判定。 从未来不肯定,了解,并且定量未来事件的可能是有用支持未来判定做。 合作decisioning,贝叶斯统计和适应性系统;全部应该或析因不确定性入他们的做活动的决定。

4. Decision Complexity. Decision complexity is driven by the number of factors that must be jointly considered when making a decision. The greater the number of factors (or variables) the more potential outcomes and the more complicated it is to make a decision.

4. 决定复杂。 决定复杂被必须联合考虑,当做出决定时因素的数量驾驶。 越伟大因素(或可变物的)数量更加潜在的结果和越复杂的它是做出决定。

Decision scope and decision complexity are closely related. Course-grained decisions tend to have less complexity and fine-grained decisions tend to have much higher complexity. Decision execution and decision uncertainty also are closely related. Deterministic decisions operate with little or no uncertainty because they are well understood. Non-deterministic decisions, which are influenced by what information is known at the point of decision, tend to have far more uncertainty regarding the stability or consistency of their outcomes. Figure 6 segments the decision analytics capabilities into nine categories and positions them in a framework based on the four criteria.

决定范围和决定复杂紧密地相关。 路线成颗粒状的决定倾向于安排较少复杂和细颗粒的决定倾向于有更高的复杂。 决定施行和决定不确定性紧密地也相关。 因为他们很好被了解,确定决定经营以很少或没有不确定性。 非判定性的决定,什么信息影响在决定被知道,倾向于有更多不确定性关于他们的结果稳定或一贯性。 图6分割决定analytics能力入九个类别并且安置他们在根据四个标准的框架。

Figure 6. The Decision Analytics Continuum
Figure 6.  The Decision Analytics Continuum

Figure 6 identifies nine analytic categories that support decision analytics. These categories are described as follows:

图6辨认支持决定analytics的九个分析类别。 这些类别被描述如下:

Conditional. The conditional analytic category contains algebraic expressions combining Boolean operators that express decision rules that typically take the form of “if x then y else z” or “when j then k else l.” They are highly effective at describing and automating decision processes. Conditional logic forms the basis for business rule management systems (BRMS), which can render these relationships in multiple forms (decision rules, decision tables, and decision trees). Conditional logic that is event-based provides additional support for temporal constructs of the “when j then k else l” form. Conditional logic is often combined with other analytical techniques to quantify or refine a decision, providing powerful and flexible support for decisioning.

有条件。 有条件分析类别包含结合明确决定基准典型地采取形式的“如果x然后y z”或“的布尔运算符的代数表达式,当j然后k l.”他们是高度有效的在描述和自动化判定过程时。 有条件逻辑形成为商业惯例管理系统(BRMS)的依据,可能回报这些关系以多形式(决定基准、决策表和判定树)。 事件根据的有条件逻辑为世俗修建提供另外的支持“当j然后k l”形式。 有条件逻辑经常结合以其他分析技术定量或提炼决定,提供强有力和灵活的支持为decisioning。

Algorithmic. The conditional analytic category uses algebraic equations that leverage known variables and constants to create new variables. Algorithmic expressions are immensely powerful. Expressions can include transformations, reclassifications, aggregations, and functions.

算法。 有条件分析类别使用支持已知的可变物和常数创造新的可变物的代数等式。 算法表示是巨大地强有力的。 表示可能包括变革、重新分类、族聚和作用。

Correlative. The conditional analytic category is a statistical technique that describes the strength of a relationship or dependency between variables. Simple forms of relationship analysis can include sentiment analysis or text analytics.

相关。 有条件分析类别是描述一个关系或附庸力量在可变物之间的一个统计技术。 关系分析的简单形式可能包括情绪分析或文本analytics。

Optimized. Optimization is typically the maximization or minimization of an objective function subject to goals and constraints. Optimization is important because it provides a method to achieve the best possible outcome given the resources currently available.

优选。 优化典型地是一个目标函数的最大化或低估受目标和限制支配。 因为它提供一个方法达到指定的最好结果资源现在可以得到,优化是重要的。

Discrete. Discrete choice and conjoint analysis are survey-based research techniques that effectively reflect respondent preferences for a particular set of capabilities. Preferences are normalized and quantified, making them useful in understanding the relative strength of alternatives and the elasticity of demand. Survey execution also emulates the buying process, which improves data quality.

分离。 分离选择和相连分析是有效地反射应答者特选为特殊套能力的基于勘测的研究技术。 特选是正常化和定量,使他们有用在了解选择相对力量和需求弹性。 勘测施行也看齐买的过程,改进数据质量。

Collaborative. Collaboration is generally a more qualitative approach to decisioning, which evaluates the contributions of various constituencies including: those people who are in your circle of trust, critics, friends, and everyone else. A wide number of collaborative techniques exists. Participant contributions can be weighted; decisions can be single pass, Delphi, or stepwise; decisions can be relative or absolute; and decisions can be made by consensus, majority, plurality, committee, or autocratically.

合作。 合作一般是一种更加定性的方法到decisioning,评估各种各样的顾客贡献: 是在信任您的圈子,评论家,朋友的那些人和所有的人。 合作技术的一个宽数字存在。 可以衡量参加者贡献; 决定可以是单向,特尔斐或者stepwise; 决定可以是相对或绝对的; 并且决定可以由公众舆论,多数人,复数,委员会做出或者独裁。

Predictive. Predictive analytics leverages known data, relationships, and patterns to make predictions about future events. Results are sensitive to the quantity of known data and how this data is distributed.

有预测性。 有预测性的analytics支持已知的数据、关系和样式做预言关于未来事件。 结果对已知的数据的数量是敏感的,并且怎么分布这数据。

Bayesian. Bayesian analytics enable us to understand the impact that conditional probabilities have on an outcome. Bayesian inference embraces uncertainty and develops probabilities that provide an unbiased and rational way to quantify the likelihood of an outcome or series of outcomes.

贝叶斯。 贝叶斯analytics使我们了解有条件可能性有在结果的冲击。 贝叶斯推断接受不确定性并且开发提供一个公正和合理的方式定量结果结果或系列可能的可能性。

Adaptive. Adaptive systems (or complex adaptive systems) represent the frontier of decision analytics. Adaptive systems combine predictive, Bayesian analytics, economic models, and learning to govern and anticipate how to best respond to a changing environment. The challenging aspect of adaptive systems is finding new decision rules to improve operational outcomes in a changing environment while simultaneously minimizing risk.

能适应。 适应性系统; (或复杂适应系统)代表决定analytics边境。 适应性系统;结合有预测性,贝叶斯analytics,经济模式,并且学会治理和期望对最好怎么反应变化的环境。 适应性系统;的富挑战性方面在变化的环境里发现新的决定基准改进操作的结果,当同时使风险减到最小时。

The categories presented in the decision analytics continuum are generally mutually exclusive but selectively employed together to address decisioning.
