Device Proliferation Spins Out of Control
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    Gadget-hungry consumers and the rapid pace of innovation in the device market have created numerous challenges for businesses, as they attempt to balance user experience, productivity, and security, a balance most have yet to strike. The increasing number of devices that each user is bringing into the workplace for business purposes puts additional strain on existing IT and security strategies, which are not designed to handle this level of complexity. ESG research has shown that:


    70% of all workers expect to be productive from anywhere (at the office, at home, or while traveling).


    57% of all workers expect to be able to perform the majority of their job functions from any device (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.).


    54% of all workers expect to be able to use the same device (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) for both business and personal tasks.1


    1 Source: ESG Master Survey Results, 2019 Digital Work Trends Survey, November 2019.