ESG TechTruth: HCI and IT-as-a-service
44% of IT decision makers believe that HYPERCONVERGED INFRASTRUCTURE PLATFORMS give them the BEST chance to become more cloud-like and deliver IT-as-a-service.

Dec 04, 2017
Tech Truths   ESG TechTruth: HCI and IT-as-a-service
87% believe that HCI has made their IT organization more agile.


ESG conducted a comprehensive online survey of IT professionals from private- and public-sector organizations in North America (United States and Canada) April 5, 2017 and April 14, 2017. To qualify for this survey, respondents were required to be IT professionals personally responsible for their organization's on-premises infrastructure, specifically usage of or plans for converged/hyperconverged infrastructure. Respondents whose organization was not currently using converged and/or hyperconverged infrastructure technology or had no plans to use either technology were disqualified from the survey. All respondents were provided an incentive to complete the survey in the form of cash awards and/or cash equivalents.

Source: ESG Master Survey Results: Converged and Hyperconverged Infrastructure Trends, October 2017.


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