Report details
Executive Summary
Research Findings
Data security is the top concern, initiative, and functional requirement for…
Shadow IT and sanctioned IT are the visibility and control constructs of cloud…
The cloud access security broker (CASB) market is maturing quickly and experienc…
Multi-mode deployments of CASBs are required to enable visibility and control…
Cloud security is a cross-functional discipline with new constituencies and focu…
Research Implications for Cybersecurity Vendors
Additional Considerations for Cybersecurity Professionals
Research Methodology
Respondent Demographics
Respondents by Current Responsibility
Respondents by Total Number of Employees Worldwide
Respondents by Industry
Respondents by Annual Revenue
ESG Research Report: The Visibility and Control Requirements of Cloud Application Security
ESG Research Report
May 26, 2016
ESG’s cloud security research was designed to gain insights into the awareness of, requirements for, and future plans with regard to cloud security. Participating organizations were required to be using cloud services in production, with individual respondents responsible for or highly familiar with their company’s cloud security requirements, challenges, and subsequent plans. Survey participants represented a wide range of industries including manufacturing, financial services, health care, communications and media, retail, government, and business services. For more details, please see the Research Methodology and Respondent Demographics sections of this report.
Page Count: 27
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Research Findings
Data security is the top concern, initiative, and functional requirement for cloud security solutions
Shadow IT and sanctioned IT are the visibility and control constructs of cloud security
The cloud access security broker (CASB) market is maturing quickly and experiencing growing pains
Multi-mode deployments of CASBs are required to enable visibility and control use cases
Cloud security is a cross-functional discipline with new constituencies and focused spending
Research Implications for Cybersecurity Vendors
Additional Considerations for Cybersecurity Professionals
Research Methodology
Respondent Demographics
Respondents by Current Responsibility
Respondents by Total Number of Employees Worldwide
Respondents by Industry
Respondents by Annual Revenue
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