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ESG Brief: What Is the Future of Technology Conferences in a Post-pandemic World?
ESG Brief
Apr 14, 2021
Over the past year, the COVID-19 virus has caused a shift in how IT professionals—and the vendors that serve them—work. In compliance with the regulations from health organizations and governments enforcing work-from-home (WFH) mandates, most organizations have been faced with how to adapt to an increasingly virtual world. This has extended to technology trade shows and conferences, causing organizers to scramble to replace these in-person events with virtual online versions. Among those IT professionals that attended a virtual event in the last year, what was their experience, and how might this impact the future of technology conferences?
ESG conducted a comprehensive online survey of IT professionals from private- and public-sector organizations in North America (United States and Canada) between August 3, 2021 and August 14, 2021. To qualify for this survey, respondents were require…