Research Report: The Evolution of Network Security: What Security Teams Require From Firewalls in a Cloud-centric World
Research Report

Oct 10, 2024
by John Grady, Emily Marsh, Enterprise Strategy Group Research
As IT environments have grown more distributed and diverse, network security tools, generally, and firewalls, specifically, have become fragmented. The availability of CSP firewalls, cloud-native firewalls, and firewall capabilities from networking tools has created confusion in the market. Historically, the choice between many of these options boiled down to ease of use and efficiency versus functionality and efficacy. However, organizations can no longer make tradeoffs. They require the best of both worlds and need help understanding their options for network security and the best fit for the use cases they need to support.

To gain insights into these trends, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 358 IT and cybersecurity professionals in North America (US and Canada) involved with network security technology and processes at their organization.

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