Compliance & Risk Tech Buying Trends: Navigating Evolving Purchase Processes & Stakeholders

Jul 09, 2024
by Corey DeFreese, TechTarget Research
TechTarget and Enterprise Strategy Group ran a global survey that explored how technology buying teams are evolving as businesses adapt to a hybrid workforce, cloud acceleration, GenAI, and a new landscape where security is a collective responsibility. This report represents a mix of large, mid-sized, and small organizations across industries with insights coming from a blend of IT (65%), business and finance (35%) professionals who are involved in their organizations tech purchasing decisions. Below are 5 insights you can learn from this report:

• Which initiatives are impacting technology purchases the most
• What motivates organizations to switch IT vendors and suppliers
• The job role makeup of buying team members across departments and functions
• Whom to target early/ top of funnel vs. late/ bottom of funnel
• Top factors impacting vendor shortlisting

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