Report details
Executive Summary
Research Findings
Communication and Collaboration Tools Proliferation Is Driving Consolidation
Communication and Collaboration Tools Are Considered a Significant Risk Vector…
While Confidence in Native Communication and Collaboration Security Controls Is…
Weaknesses Endure Despite the Maturity of Email Security
There Is an Opportunity to Improve the Security of Sensitive Data within Communi…
IT and Security Operating Models for Communication and Collaboration Tools Are…
Research Methodology
Respondent Demographics
Research Report: Challenges in Securing an Overabundance of Communication and Collaboration Tools
Jul 31, 2023
Dave Gruber
As more workers collaborate virtually, many organizations now depend on additional digital communication tools beyond email. New collaboration tools provide attackers the opportunity to engage with humans to evade automated controls, extending phishing, BEC, credential theft, and other socially engineered attacks beyond email. Advanced attacks leverage multiple attack vectors, requiring individual, core security controls to work together to detect and prevent advanced attacks. This extends beyond traditional security operations tools (e.g., SIEM, SOAR, EDR, and XDR) to core network, cloud, endpoint, and identity controls.
As IT and security teams focus on risk-driven security strategies, consistency of policies and priorities across all enterprise communication channels becomes critical to strengthening security posture. More education is needed to motivate security architects to embrace this higher-level perspective. To gain further insight into these trends, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) surveyed 490 IT and cybersecurity professionals at organizations in North America (US and Canada) and Western Europe (UK, France, and Germany) involved with securing enterprise communication and collaboration technology and processes.
Page Count: 23
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Research Findings
Communication and Collaboration Tools Proliferation Is Driving Consolidation
Communication and Collaboration Tools Are Considered a Significant Risk Vector for Most, Driving Continued Investment
While Confidence in Native Communication and Collaboration Security Controls Is High, Gaps Persist
Weaknesses Endure Despite the Maturity of Email Security
There Is an Opportunity to Improve the Security of Sensitive Data within Communication and Collaboration Tools
IT and Security Operating Models for Communication and Collaboration Tools Are Still Evolving
Research Methodology
Respondent Demographics
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