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Communication and Collaboration Tools Proliferation Is Driving Consolidation
Communication and Collaboration Is Considered a Significant Risk Vector for Most…
While Confidence in Native Communication and Collaboration Security Controls Is…
Despite the Maturity of Email Security, Gaps Persist
There Is Opportunity to Improve the Security of Sensitive Data within Communicat…
IT and Security Operating Models for Securing Communication and Collaboration…
1Respondent Demographics/Firmographics
Complete Survey Results: Challenges in Securing an Overabundance of Communication and Collaboration Tools
Jul 20, 2023
Dave Gruber
This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on enterprise communication channels, including email, message platforms, and video conferencing, among others; the specific threats impacting these platforms; and the security tools and processes organizations are putting in place to safeguard them.
Page Count: 55
Table of Contents
About This Document
Survey Overview
Research Methodology
Research Data(1)
Communication and Collaboration Tools Proliferation Is Driving Consolidation
Communication and Collaboration Is Considered a Significant Risk Vector for Most, Driving Continued Investment
While Confidence in Native Communication and Collaboration Security Controls Is High, Security Teams Have Concerns
Despite the Maturity of Email Security, Gaps Persist
There Is Opportunity to Improve the Security of Sensitive Data within Communication and Collaboration Tools
IT and Security Operating Models for Securing Communication and Collaboration Tools Are Still Evolving
As more workers collaborate virtually, many organizations now depend on additional digital communication tools beyond email. New collaboration tools provide attackers the opportunity to engage with humans to evade automated controls, extending phishi…