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6The Majority of Organizations Are Still in the Early to Basic Stages of CX Strat…
5The Complexity of CX Technology Stacks Has Become a Roadblock
7CX Buying Teams Continue to Expand Collaboratively Across IT and Line-of-busines…
6CX Investments Are Increasing with the Need for Scalability and Security Being…
18Requirements and Challenges of CX Technologies Include the Need for a Data-centr…
1Research Methodology
2Respondent Demographics
Research Report: Customer Experience Strategies and Technology Frameworks
Jun 16, 2023
Enterprise Strategy Group Research
Customer experience is the sum of a customer's digital interactions with a company throughout the customer lifecycle, from early online research of a product or service to active use and repeat business such as subscriptions. Most customer experience programs include the measurement of customer satisfaction and sentiment analysis. These processes aggregate and analyze customers' perceptions and feelings resulting from interactions with a brand's products and services, most often through short surveys collected throughout an engagement. Customer loyalty and retention are the desired results from the thoughtful execution and continuous improvement of CX.
In order to gain insights into the technologies that power customer experience, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 400 IT and business professionals at organizations in North America (US and Canada) with knowledge of and participation in their organization’s customer experience initiatives.
Page Count: 30
Table of Contents
Executive Summary(5)
Report Conclusions(5)
Research Objectives(5)
Research Findings(42)
The Majority of Organizations Are Still in the Early to Basic Stages of CX Strategy and Maturity(6)
The Complexity of CX Technology Stacks Has Become a Roadblock(5)
CX Buying Teams Continue to Expand Collaboratively Across IT and Line-of-business Teams(7)
CX Investments Are Increasing with the Need for Scalability and Security Being Top Factors Influencing Purchases(6)
Requirements and Challenges of CX Technologies Include the Need for a Data-centric Approach and Fidelity(18)
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)’s Complete Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including…