2023 IT Priorities Study: North America

Apr 10, 2023
by TechTarget Research
TechTarget’s 2023 IT Priorities Study gathers technology priorities and investment plans for technology buyers across IT and business functions. This study was conducted from November 2022-February 2023 in order to evaluate the greater impact of the macro-economic climate on IT budgets and investments.

The study represents 847 technology decision makers in North America and covers 3 key areas:
1) Broad technology initiatives that are more important this year
2) How technology budgets will be spent
3) Technology investment plans by tech market for 2023

For deeper insight on buying teams and change dynamics, or the IT buyer journey and content consumption preferences, contact us to request our other studies:
• TechTarget's Purchase Process Study
• TechTarget's Media Consumption and Vendor Engagement Study

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