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The SaaS Backup Disconnect Persists, Bringing Data Loss with It
Many Ways to Lose Your SaaS Data
The SaaS Data Protection ‘RFP’
Research Brief: The SaaS Backup Disconnect: Data Loss Is Real!
Apr 10, 2023
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group completed a survey of 398 IT professionals familiar with and/or responsible for SaaS data protection technology decisions for their organization. The respondent base was composed of 75% enterprise organizations (1,000 or more employees) and 25% midmarket organizations (100 to 999 employees) across North America (US and Canada). As part of that research, IT professionals were asked about challenges and best practices regarding the protection of SaaS workloads. The research revealed that some data protection issues persist based on this survey and historical data.
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The SaaS Backup Disconnect Persists, Bringing Data Loss with It
Ransomware attackers disrupt business operations by targeting a variety of data sources and leveraging multiple types of infrastructure to get what they want: business’ money. But the most often targeted point of entry in successful ransomware attack…