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3Cloud Adoption Trends: Security Support and Enablement Requirements
9CSPM and CIEM Challenges Around Scale and Efficiency
3Staffing, Skills, and Organizational Responsibility for CIEM and CSPM
4CIEM Challenges Impacting Security Risk
5Using CSPM to Scale Security
1Investment Plans for CSPM and CIEM
2Respondent Demographics/Firmographics
Complete Survey Results: Cloud Entitlements and Posture Management Trends
Mar 31, 2023
Melinda Marks
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)’s Complete Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including respondent profiles at an individual and organizational level. It is important to note that these documents do not contain analysis of the data.
This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on the top challenges organizations face in managing cloud security posture and infrastructure entitlements, and how these trends drive the need for cloud security posture management (CSPM) and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) solutions.
Page Count: 57
Table of Contents
About This Document(2)
Survey Overview
Research Methodology(1)
Research Data(27)
Cloud Adoption Trends: Security Support and Enablement Requirements(3)
CSPM and CIEM Challenges Around Scale and Efficiency(9)
Staffing, Skills, and Organizational Responsibility for CIEM and CSPM(3)
Organizations are moving applications to the cloud and embracing digital transformation strategies to speed development cycles and better serve employees, partners, and customers. However, the subsequent faster release cycles and broad internet expos…