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7Cyber-threat Intelligence (CTI) Programs Are Pervasive
3CTI Programs Remain Tactical
3Digital Risk Protection (DRP) Is Becoming an Essential Part of CTI Programs
3The MITRE ATT&CK Framework Is Mainstream and a CTI Program Driver
3CTI Programs Require Managed Services
3CTI Investments Are Planned
Research Methodology
5Respondent Demographics
Research Report: Cyber-threat Intelligence Programs: Ubiquitous and Immature
Mar 16, 2023
Bill Lundell, Jon Oltsik
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted an in-depth survey of 380 cybersecurity professionals personally knowledgeable about and involved with cyber-threat intelligence programs at enterprise (1,000 or more employees) organizations in North America (US and Canada).
Cyber-threat intelligence (CTI) is analyzed information about cyber-threats that helps inform security decision making. Although security professionals recognize the value of cyber-threat intelligence, many organizations still consume it on a superficial basis.
Page Count: 25
Table of Contents
Executive Summary(1)
Report Conclusions(1)
Research Objectives
Research Findings(22)
Cyber-threat Intelligence (CTI) Programs Are Pervasive(7)
CTI Programs Remain Tactical(3)
Digital Risk Protection (DRP) Is Becoming an Essential Part of CTI Programs(3)
The MITRE ATT&CK Framework Is Mainstream and a CTI Program Driver(3)
Most enterprise organizations have threat intelligence programs in place, and CISOs try to anchor them with the right staffing, processes, and oversight. While organizations strive to follow best practices, threat intelligence programs can be challen…