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8Highly Distributed Environments Are Driving Network Complexity and Challenges
1Cloud-based Management, Security, and Automation Are Top Priorities for Data…
3Data Center Networks
3Campus Networks
7Top Edge Requirements Include Cloud-based Management, Interest in 5G, and Accele…
Modern Network Management Criteria Include Automation and the Ability to Leverag…
Research Methodology
Respondent Demographics
ESG Research Report: Network Modernization in Highly Distributed Environments
ESG Research Report
Nov 01, 2021
The broad adoption of public cloud services as a source and repository of business-critical data and the increasingly distributed nature of IT environments generally and workforces specifically are impacting network infrastructure in terms of both requirements and challenges. In addition to assessing how modern, distributed environments are impacting network requirements and subsequent architecture, it is imperative to understand how key initiatives like cloud and automation are driving and shaping network strategies. Against the backdrop of all these changes, what kind of interest are organizations showing in new networking technologies like WiFi 6, 5G, and SONiC?
Page Count: 25
Table of Contents
Executive Summary(3)
Report Conclusions(3)
Research Objectives(3)
Research Findings(22)
Highly Distributed Environments Are Driving Network Complexity and Challenges(8)
Cloud-based Management, Security, and Automation Are Top Priorities for Data Center and Campus Networks(1)
Data Center Networks(3)
Campus Networks(3)
Top Edge Requirements Include Cloud-based Management, Interest in 5G, and Accelerated SD-WAN Adoption(7)
Modern Network Management Criteria Include Automation and the Ability to Leverage AI/ML for Self-healing and Optimization Capabilities
This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on unified end-to-end network management and visibility trends, including drivers, benefits (realized and expected), and challenges (experienced and expected) as well as the individuals/groups involve…