2023 IT Priorities Study: APAC

May 17, 2023
by TechTarget Research
TechTarget’s IT Priorities Study was fielded from November 2022 to February 2023. Normally we run this survey at the end of the fiscal year and have data at the beginning of January on technology investment plans slated for that year. However due to the macro-economic climate we decided to extend the survey in order to measure and monitor the impact it was having on IT investments and budgets.

Our annual study represents 516 technology decision makers from APAC.

This study covers 3 key areas:
1)Broad technology initiatives that are more important this year than last
2)What’s changing with organizations technology budgets
3)Technology investment plans for the upcoming year

For deeper insight on buying teams and change dynamics, including who is involved in tech purchases by market, consult our Purchase Process Study. For deeper insight into our buyers media consumption preferences please consult our Media consumption and Vendor Engagement Study.

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