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Organizations Face Many Threat Detection and Response Challenges
Security Teams Are Prioritizing Network Detection and Response (NDR) for a Varie…
Diverse Use Cases Require a Range of Capabilities
Strong AI Has Become Integral to NDR
NDR Emerges as a Key Component to XDR Strategies
2Security Teams Cite Both Security and Business Benefits from NDR
Research Methodology
1Respondent Demographics
Research Report: The Evolving Role of Network Detection and Response
Mar 31, 2023
Bill Lundell, John Grady
The potential for serious business disruptions makes detecting threats quickly and accurately critical to preventing data loss, compliance violations, and lost revenue. Even as resources and users leave the traditional perimeter, the network should play a key role in detecting threats to avoid business disruption. Specifically, network-based tools provide consistent, comprehensive visibility across distributed, heterogeneous environments and remain outside the scope of attacker manipulation. Yet the number of threat detection and response tools that are available can leave users unsure of where to prioritize.
In order to gain insight into these trends, ESG surveyed 376 IT, cybersecurity, and networking professionals responsible for evaluating, purchasing, and managing network security products and services for their organizations.
Page Count: 20
Table of Contents
Executive Summary(1)
Report Conclusions(1)
Research Objectives(1)
Research Findings(2)
Organizations Face Many Threat Detection and Response Challenges
Security Teams Are Prioritizing Network Detection and Response (NDR) for a Variety of Reasons
Diverse Use Cases Require a Range of Capabilities
Strong AI Has Become Integral to NDR
NDR Emerges as a Key Component to XDR Strategies
Security Teams Cite Both Security and Business Benefits from NDR(2)
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)’s Complete Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including…