ESG Lab Review: Accelerating Network Virtualization Overlays with QLogic Intelligent Ethernet Adapters
ESG Lab Review

Jul 29, 2016
ESG Lab Review: Accelerating Network Virtualization Overlays with QLogic Intelligent Ethernet Adapters
File: ESG Lab Review - Qlogic Tunneling - July 2016.pdf
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Enterprise IT organizations are transitioning to the modern data center to address performance and service provision challenges, leveraging lessons learned from hyper-scale and public cloud deployments. More specifically, they are implementing highly virtualized, multi-tenant infrastructures that span geographic locations using overlay network tunneling technologies. VMware, the top hypervisor for these deployments, uses VXLAN encapsulation for overlay network tunneling. Benefits of VXLAN include: scalability, supporting up to 16 million virtual LAN IDs; secured shared infrastructure, enabling separation and isolation for multi-tenant deployments; and improved resource utilization, implementing equal cost multi-path routing in L3 doubles the amount of network bandwidth available compared to the L2 spanning tree protocol.

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